Build your own website from the ground up

Jimdo Creator

Preview of the Jimdo website for mobile devices, tablets and desktop views
Templates for a photography website with Jimdo

Choose a template. Upload photos. Edit text. Done!

It's that easy. Create your dream website in just a few clicks with Jimdo's website builder. You can edit the website at any time and optimize it for search engines without needing to know how to code.

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The perfect template for your idea

Choose a template! Start with one of our beautiful designs, then add your own personal touches to make it 100% yours. Choose your own fonts, colors, backgrounds, and lots more! Plus, you can change your template at any time without losing your work.

You can drag & drop your photos in to the Jimdo Photo Element

Your photos: picture perfect

Our versatile photo galleries show off your photos in a variety of stunning formats. Drag and drop your images straight to your website, and we'll do the rest to make sure they load quickly and with the best quality.

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Example of Jimdo website statistics in the SEO settings

Boost your ranking with Google

With Jimdo, it's easy to optimize your website for search engines and improve your Google ranking. Our built-in SEO and Statistics tools will help your customers find you and help you track your performance over time. Measure your traffic and watch your website grow!

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Preview of the Jimdo App for iOS

Mobile friendly websites on-the-go

Jimdo App! Take your website with you on a smartphone or tablet with the Jimdo App for iOS and Android. Add new photos, edit text, write a new blog post, and moreā€”from anywhere you want.